Campaign Issue - Human-Centered Economy
The real threat to our individual liberties come not from government, but from the “heedless self interest” of those in positions of vast wealth and power, whose greed crushed individual initiative and so restricted the “field open for free business” that private enterprise “became too private … it became privileged enterprise, not free enterprise.” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Corporations used to have a duty of loyalty to the communities they were in, but now, their only duty is to make the most money for their shareholders, even if it may be at the expense of their employees, the surrounding communities and the general welfare of the American people.
The prevalent emphasis on corporate profits and short-term maximization of projects just isn’t working for a great majority of Americans. This unfortunate situation will only be exacerbated by the onset of automation and AI technology.
Why We Need It – Human-Centered Economy
Today, we have masses of people working 2-3 jobs just to make ends meet, and our government has done nothing to address the ever increasing 30+ year income and wealth gaps in our country. And in times of high unemployment, and economic distress, our government must take steps to restore the balance of economic opportunity in our free market economy.
And just like how President Franklin D. Roosevelt said that “democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself, our country has now come to this point that he warned about. In such a system, the political equality of the people becomes meaningless in the face of economic inequality as life and liberty are no longer real and as the people can no longer follow the pursuit of happiness in their own way, because they have no economic power.
Thus, we need to restore individual liberty and make the economy and free market work in such a way as to ensure equal economic opportunity for all Americans, not just the privileged few at the top. For a strong, vibrant economy isn’t possible without the peoples’ purchasing power and we need to correct such injustices and inequalities as they arise.