
Let’s help @HeidiBriones and @davidkim2020 in their races! They are VERY #HumanityForward and fighting for people. Both would be transformative figures in Congress. https://t.co/El6pUBI6Vz
— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) May 5, 2020

If we want a more visionary government we need to support more visionary candidates. And the time to do it is now…. https://t.co/9gjuiRWgmO
— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) May 17, 2020

Proud to endorse @davidkim2020 who is fighting for progressive policies and fundamental change in payday loans industry allowing better payday advance loans online https://24cashtoday.com/payday-loans-online/
Ryan Knight (@ProudSocialist) Jun 4, 2020

David has spent his professional career lending his voice to the underrepresented in our communities- most recently, fulfilling our great country’s promise to immigrants by serving as their attorney in immigration court. His professional experience granted him a perspective that has shaped his campaign: humanity-focused policies, a commitment to understanding our local communities and constituents’ needs, and a refusal to take corporate/PAC donations, all to guarantee that he represents the will of the people- to put his Community First.

Sunrise LA is excited to endorse David Kim for CA-34. We are thrilled at the possibility of having another representative in Congress that supports a Green New Deal. If David is elected we know he’ll work to pass legislation that supports the environment and the people.

David is a pastor’s son who grew up moving around a lot. He went to UC Berkeley and law school before joining the LA County District Attorney’s Office. David then transitioned into his own legal practice. At his heart he is an activist with a passion for improving the world.
Humanity Forward (@HumanityForward) May 5, 2020

Income Movement is proud to endorse David Kim, the first UBI congressional candidate to receive enough votes during the primary to secure his place in the California General Election. Let’s all support David as he fights for economic equality in Los Angeles!

.@RepJimmyGomez sounds progressive but isn’t keeping it 100%
That’s why I ran against him & why I’m thrilled to endorse @DavidKim2020 for #Congress. Every district including #CA34 deserves a Rep willing to shun corporate cash & fight for working people. David is ready & able!
Frances Yasmeen Motiwalla (@FymForCongress) July 9, 2020