Thank you, Marianne

Starting today, I’ll be writing regular blog entries every week and month, to document this campaign, its growth, the lessons I learn, the experiences I have, the people I meet and connect with, the issues at the heart and core of our communities and people that warrant immediate attention, and the convictions and realizations I have, in this campaign, and movement for putting the people first.

And to start this series of blog posts, I’m honored and excited to share that I’VE BEEN ENDORSED BY MARIANNE WILLIAMSON (AND ANDREW YANG earlier this month – I’ll dedicate a separate blog post to him later)! This is obviously a big endorsement! And I’m still excited.

Marianne is the voice of reason right now, in a world where we have our elected officials being bought out by corporate interests in both parties, and where it feels like our Congress, and especially the self-alleged “progressive” Democratic Congress members, are being taken out, one by one, like the Walking Dead, to the establishment and politics of the party. Recently, I was overjoyed to see Elizabeth Warren endorse Yuh-line Niou, but then when I saw just two seconds later, after scrolling, that Elizabeth Warren had also endorsed Democratic Representative Ralph Nader over his visionary, progressive challengers, my heart …. dropped.

With the same thing in 2016 happening to Bernie Sanders this year and the line of sudden endorsements for Biden, that happened one by one, with each Democratic Presidential Candidate (except Marianne and a few others), I could no longer ignore or push away the fact that the Democratic Party, too, is no longer for the people anymore (and there can be a whole post dedicated to that later). As such, for someone like Marianne Williamson, a woman and person who IS of the people and truly cares for the people, living by the example and role model that she has been (go look up everything she’s done during the past 30 years, the charity work she’s done with Project Angel Food, the books and teachings she’s made available to the public, and etc.), and directly helping and playing a role in the transformation of millions of peoples’ lives up until now, even before entering the political scene as a Presidential candidate or as a Congressional candidate, …. it MEANS A LOT TO GET HER ENDORSEMENT.

Marianne isn’t someone who pledges her allegiance to anyone except to LOVE, the United States of America, and to the heart and soul of humanity and all people, and she embodies that. She’s all about taking money out of politics, stamping out injustices in every sector and community of our country, and moving towards a more visionary government that ensures that everyone is fed, and has equal access to education, economic opportunity and the ability to thrive. And that’s exactly what our campaign is about: making sure that no one ever has to worry about whether they’ll have food to eat, a roof to sleep under, access to free education and healthcare, or the ability to pay for basic living expenses. Because all of these things are essential human rights. From free access to healthcare to housing as a human right. It doesn’t make sense that in a rich country like ours, masses of our people are financially distressed with 2-3 jobs and no savings, or that we have thousands of unhoused brothers and sisters, living on the streets, in cars, parks and shelters, in our communities of Los Angeles, and millions nationally. And all of this has to stop. We can’t play the “same ole same ole” games and tricks, like Marianne often says. We are in a crucial time where we must steer our country back towards being a nation and government that truly cares for and loves its people, and like we all know, love isn’t just a word – love looks like something in action – in our own relationships that we have with our partners or family members, we don’t say that we love each other, without showing action for it. And to me, in the same way, when an elected official says that he/she loves the people, it can’t just be lip service. To me, love from an elected official looks like ensuring that everyone has a bootstraps to pull themselves up with and a common ground and floor to start from. AND MARIANNE IS ALL ABOUT THAT and even more!

Marianne’s years of work and experience in meeting people and helping people transform their lives is phenomenal and to have her now bring that to level of care, compassion and reason to our federal government and country, is what we need during these times. We need a strong voice (and “prophet”, since I grew up as a pastor’s kid) like Marianne. Sadly however, the American people weren’t able to realize that she and a few others, like Bernie Sanders, Andrew Yang, and Tulsi Gabbard are really what the American people need right now. But that’s ok – we’ll work with what we have as we can’t deny the reality that we’re in – and that means continuing the movement by running for office and supporting down ballot candidates who are true progressives and visionary fighters for the communities that they are in, and that’s what Marianne just did, by endorsing me and many other down ballot candidates running across the nation.

Lastly, on a personal note, I’ve enjoyed Marianne’s books and teachings of love, humanity, the human heart and soul, for years, and they’ve helped to change my life around, and so to be endorsed by a role model whom I’ve looked up to years and have been deeply inspired by, … is a little more than just amazing. 🙂

Thank you, Marianne.

I will continue the fight. We will continue the fight.

Thank you for your blessing and for recognizing that Los Angeles, CA34, needs more.